How to record short videos we can use to promote your tour on social media

Short videos of roughly 30 to 60 seconds have become increasingly popular and powerful marketing tools. To promote your fantastic tours and increase awareness of VoiceMap as a platform, we’d like your help to create videos that we’ll then edit and share on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest. Travellers regularly use the sites for inspiration when planning their next trip.

We’ll take the videos you provide us and create short, shareable videos that either:

  1. Highlight the best parts of your tour
  2. Focus on the benefits of doing a VoiceMap tour

Below is a list of the types of shots we’d like you to send us. Please make sure that you send at least 8 videos from the various options in the list below, which ones you send is up to you.

You can send your videos via Wetransfer to Please make sure to label your videos clearly (with the tour name + site name) and to use folders if you’re submitting for more than one tour.

Videos you can take on your own, using one phone

  • Interacting with the app:
    • Searching for your tour, selecting and then, downloading it
    • Starting, resuming and/or ending a tour
    • Showing the route map on your phone and entering a circle so playback starts
  • Putting in headphones, starting a tour, putting the phone in your pocket and start walking
  • 3-5 Minute clip from the point of view of the person taking the tour of the scenery as they are walking
  • Face-to-camera talking clips that cover why the app is so great whilst in a scenic location featured in your tour
  • Shots of important/significant landmarks or unique spots that are featured in the tour

Videos you’ll need to record with two phones and a partner

  • Close-up of someone’s screen showing the app and then pans to them doing the tour (walking away from the camera (extra points if the app has a photo of an attraction and then we see the person walking past the attraction in real-time)
  • Scanning a QR code to start the tour (if there is an advertisement near the tour’s starting point)
  • Walking down a picturesque street towards the camera
  • Interacting with the environment, i.e. opening a gate, drinking from a fountain, looking closely at easily missed details on monuments/memorials
  • Going into a place and, for bonus points, coming out with something, i.e. bakery or pub
  • Any vlog-style footage of them taking a break from a tour also, footage of any local snacks/food would be great while the phone is lying down on a table with VoiceMap still open on screen etc

Videos you can record for driving tours

  • Shot from the back seat of someone (or two people) sitting in the front
  • Shot from the back seat (or passenger seat) focusing on the app Start screen interface, with the driver pressing Start
  • Shot from the back seat (or passenger seat) focusing on the app map interface (if the phone is in a dash holder) with the car moving along the road in the periphery (this will mimic the movement of the map with the vehicle)
  • Dashboard shots showing scenery (like you shared)
  • Shots of the car moving, camera panning across (ideally in scenic settings)
  • Scenic shots (scenery, not necessarily with the car)
  • Someone getting out of the car at a scenic location (like they’re getting out at an optional stop and pointing at a landmark)

Examples of videos we’re looking for:

You can see some great examples of publishers who have already created videos on our Instagram and TikTok.

General filming guidelines


  • Please ensure the clips are at least 20 seconds long or more
  • Please ensure you can try and capture close, medium and far shots
  • Please try and ensure the lighting is good in the video (not too dark, not too bright)
  • Please try and be as stable as possible
  • Please try and capture as much scenery as possible
  • Please shoot in portrait orientation rather than landscape
  • Have fun and get creative!

Mistakes to avoid:

  • Watch out for your shadow
  • Looking into the camera
  • Videos of areas with lots of rubbish
  • Don’t use your kids or grandparents in the videos

When taking these videos, please remember that you know your tour best so please focus on showcasing what makes your tour unique as well as highlighting your favourite parts from your tours.

Once we’ve received your videos, we’ll pair them with audio directly from your tour.

We’ll also tag you in the videos we post, so please make sure to update your social media handles on your publisher’s profile. If you want us to share a copy of the final video to share, please let us know.


UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who has shared their videos, we’ve been receiving some great footage for this campaign. Just a few notes from our team:

  • Please make sure that you label any videos you share with the tour name and site/ attraction name
  • Please avoid including your children or grand-parents in the videos
  • Please make sure your social media accounts are updated on your publishers profile so that we can tag you in the videos.

We’re using the audio from your tours with the videos, so a great starting point is to think of the best stories in your tours and take footage of the sites related to them. For some of those who haven’t sent any videos yet but have said they’re keen, I’ll be reaching out with some suggestions from our team of which stories we think might work the best on social media.

We will be running this campaign at least until the end of the year with the aim to integrate it into the publishing process, so please don’t worry if you can’t send footage just yet. We’re happy to give you some time until the seasonal rush is over but please take the weather into consideration for the best possible shots.

I’ve also received some questions about how best to film driving tours and who to ask when you’re not tech savvy. If there’s anyone here perhaps with some tips to share, I’d love your input.