New Version Released: Getting followers with Version 13

We’ve just released the latest update to VoiceMap’s apps! Version 13, codenamed Pepys, has a number of features that help you connect with your audience.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Listeners can now follow you! Every time you publish a new tour, they’ll get a notification. It’s a simple way to get more eyes (and ears) on your tours.
  • Listeners can follow destinations and when there’s a new tour there they’ll receive a notification.
  • Listeners can subscribe to our new “Senses of Direction” newsletter. Just like many of our tours, it celebrates curiosity and the human connections that make travel meaningful. We’ll use it to highlight our favourite stories and locations across all of VoiceMap’s 450 destinations. You can subscribe by going to the footer of the website.

Some examples of what these look like:

Publisher dashboard updates coming soon

We’re also making some updates to your publisher dashboard, where you’ll soon see a follower count. There’s an example below.

We’re excited about this! We’re already seeing publishers gain followers and soon you’ll be able to track how many followers you have too.

Display your profile in multiple languages

Publishers with translated tours, available in more than one language, have been asking for a way to display their profiles in more than one language too. This is now live on the website, and it’ll be live in the apps by the end of this week.

To update your publisher profile, and add additional languages:

  1. Click on Edit Profile from the My Account dropdown menu
  2. Select the language from the dropdown menu on the page
  3. Add your profile in the language you’ve chosen
  4. Click save

We’ve seen a steady growth in returning users over the last few years, and the updates in Version 13 are all about encouraging listeners to come back and do another tour, and another one, and another…

I’m excited to hear how these new features help you connect with your audience and boost engagement with your tours! Feel free to check out the updates and share your thoughts below.