Promoting tours in Canada

This question is specifically aimed at my Canadian colleagues but open to anyone with advice. I recently published a tour in Ottawa and it’s selling quite well through the VM site and re-sellers. I have promoted it at all the downtown hotels using flyers, but none of them is willing to do bulk purchases - seems like it’s not part of their business model. As well, the local tourist organization, Ottawa Tourism, is privately run and won’t let me join because VoiceMap is not a local business and they can’t fit my service into one of their categories. The local history museum has been unresponsive to requests to offer my flyers and, like many other locations, uses commercial flyer racks (one of which quoted me $700 for a 2-month try-out…)Finally, the government tourist office is not accepting any new products/services. What success have you had in promoting your tours through local businesses and organizations in other Canadian cities/towns?