Replies to user reviews are posting as anonymous

Hi all,

As the title says, When I answer a users review on my Ronda tour even though I am logged in and the toggle button to post as anonymous is set to off, the post still displays as Anonymous… (See the last three comments on my Ronda tour.)

Can they be switched/edited to my account name?

I see its sitewide as its happening as well on other peoples tours as well

Seems to have started in Early September.

Also, I don’t think the anonymous button should even be an option for authors as I am sure we all want our users to know its the creator that wants to answer a review?

Hi @clive, yes, thanks, we’re aware of this and working on it.

We added the anonymous options in response to requests from publishers who noticed that their names were showing on ratings they had done for their own tours. This was a glitch that came in when we updated the rating system recently but should be fixed soon.

Thanks for the quick answer. :slight_smile:

Hopefully when its fixed it will also be possible to change anonymous to my name in the last three answers I have left on my Ronda tour.

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I think it has been fixed as the same was happening to me but my name is now appearing.

Yes, I see my previous replies to reviews now have my name and also a new reply I just made also. Great job VoiceMap! :slight_smile: